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How To Remove The Remaining Wax From A Candle Jar?

Nov. 09, 2022

Scented Candle

 Scented Candle

If you're wondering how to reuse old candle containers, we've created the ultimate guide that covers everything from cleaning out old wax to great ideas for repurposing scented candle jars.


If you're addicted to candles like we are, then there's no doubt that you have a huge pile of burned-out candles somewhere. Each candle has been fully enjoyed and there is only a small amount of wax left in the bottom of the old jar.


The first step to being able to reuse old scented candles in decorative jars is to remove all of the old wax from them. There are many different ways to accomplish this.


How to remove the remaining wax from a candle jar?

Freezing method

Because candle wax becomes brittle when frozen, it is easy to remove from the container. First, place the old candle container in the freezer for a few hours. Once it is frozen, use a knife to gently pry out the remaining wax. Place some warm water on a paper towel and wipe off any remaining debris. This is a great way to make candles using paraffin or beeswax.


Double Boiler/Bain Marie Method

For stubborn leftover wax, the double boiler method would be a good option. This method works by filling a bowl with boiling water and leaving the candle container gently in place for a few minutes. The heat generated by the boiling water will transfer through the sides of the container, melting the wax that remains inside.

Candle Jar

 Candle Jar          

Once the wax has softened, carefully remove the jar from the water and pour out the melted wax. The jar can then be washed with warm water and soap to finish.


Wash-and-Go Method

This is the easiest method for candles made from low melting point waxes (such as soy wax). First, use a sharp knife to remove as much of the remaining wax as possible. Then, simply fill the container with soap and hot water from the tap, let it sit for a minute, and then scrub the inside clean.

You can find the high-quality candle jars, click here.  

Things to remember

Remove the wick holder

After removing all the wax, don't forget to remove the wick holder. If it gets stuck, just slide a sharp knife underneath and pop it out. If it doesn't want to come out easily, a little boiling water will usually help.


Preserving thin containers

To remove the wax from a skinny container, try using a hairdryer under hot air to loosen the wax before scraping it off with an old chopstick.


Do not pour into the drain

Never pour wax that has melted in the water down the drain. It will cool and solidify, and may eventually clog the pipe.

Candle Jar and Scented Candles

     Candle Jar and Scented Candles          

Do not overheat

You should be careful not to overheat the glass container. If the jar gets too hot, the glass may explode. In fact, freezing the wax and pouring boiling water into the jar both carry a high risk of shattering the jar, so use these methods only if you are sure the container can handle it.


Don't microwave

Never use a microwave to melt the wax inside an old candle jar. The wick holders that hold the wick in place are made of metal, which can not only damage your microwave but also start a fire.


A great way to reuse and recycle old candle containers

Your favorite scented candles are about to run out, all that perfectly scented wax has evaporated over countless nights of comfort and enjoyment, and you are left with empty containers. A beautifully decorated, elegant container that you love almost as much as the scent it once produced.


Of course, don't worry, there are many great ways to reuse old scented candle containers.

Quick Link to the Candle Jars Supplier.

After you've followed our cleaning instructions above, you'll be ready to recycle your candle holders - here are some of our favorite ideas ......

Candle Glass Jar


Candle Glass Jar

Turn candle jars into planters

Old scented candle containers are the perfect size to become the new home for your newest leafy green addition. Due to our current obsession with succulents and almost all other plants, we barely have enough old candle jars - and that's really saying something!


Most people tend to prefer amber or colored glass candle jars for planting due to the need for brown soil, but clear jars are great when growing in water.


Organize your dresser

What better way to keep your beauty space organized than to upgrade your favorite scented candle jars? Larger candles are perfect holders for makeup brushes, eyeliners, and pencils, while smaller candle containers are great for storing cotton pads or bobby pins.


Pencil jars on your desk

You're unlikely to find us on our desks without lit calming candles, so it makes sense that when all the wax is gone, we recycle candle jars to make pretty tins for our stationery!


Keep candle matches neat and tidy

Did you know that matches can be pretty too? Treat yourself to some beautifully colored or even scented matches and keep them neatly in an old candle container.


Vase of flowers

Flowers and candles make us happy. Repurposing your old candles and using them as vases to hold some fresh flowers is the ideal way to reuse them.

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