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How to Clean a Used Scented Candle Jar?

Jun. 12, 2023

Cleaning a used scented candle jar allows you to repurpose it for various purposes such as storage, decoration, or even creating new candles. However, removing the residual wax and cleaning the jar effectively requires some careful steps. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of cleaning a used scented candle jar.


Materials you will need:

1. Used scented candle jar

2. Freezer

3. Butter knife or spoon

4. Paper towels or newspaper

5. Dish soap

6. Warm water

7. Soft cloth or sponge

8. Baking soda (optional)

9. Vinegar (optional)

10. Essential oils (optional)


Candle Jar

Step-by-Step Instructions:


1. Freeze the Jar:

Place the used candle jar in the freezer for a few hours or overnight. Freezing helps solidify the wax, making it easier to remove from the jar later on.


2. Remove the Wax:

Once the jar has been in the freezer, take it out and inspect the wax. Using a butter knife or spoon, gently pry the hardened wax from the edges of the jar. Be cautious not to scratch or damage the glass. If the wax doesn't come out easily, try tapping the jar on a hard surface to loosen it.


3. Discard the Wax:

Dispose of the removed wax in an appropriate manner, following your local waste disposal guidelines. You can wrap it in paper towels or newspaper to prevent it from sticking to other surfaces.


4. Clean the Jar Interior:

Fill the sink or a container with warm water and a few drops of dish soap. Place the candle jars in the soapy water and let it soak for a few minutes. Then, use a soft cloth or sponge to gently scrub the interior of the jar, removing any remaining wax residue, soot, or dirt. Pay extra attention to the bottom and edges of the jar.


5. Remove Stubborn Wax Residue (Optional):

If there is still some wax residue remaining on the jar after cleaning, you can use a few alternative methods to remove it:


   a. Baking Soda Method: Create a paste by mixing baking soda with a small amount of water. Apply the paste to the stubborn wax residue and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, scrub the area gently with a soft cloth or sponge until the residue is loosened and removed.


   b. Vinegar Method: Soak a paper towel or cloth in white vinegar and place it over the stubborn wax residue. Let it sit for a few minutes to allow the vinegar to soften the wax. Then, wipe away the softened wax using the cloth or paper towel.


6. Rinse and Dry:

Thoroughly rinse the jar with clean water to remove any soap or cleaning residue. Ensure all traces of wax and cleaning agents are removed. After rinsing, use a soft cloth or paper towel to dry the jar completely. Make sure the jar is completely dry before using it for storage or repurposing.


7. Optional: Remove Lingering Odors (Optional):

If the scented candle's fragrance lingers in the jar, you can try one of these methods to eliminate or change the scent:


   a. Baking Soda Method: Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda into the candle glass jar and let it sit for a few days to absorb any remaining odor. Afterward, rinse the jar again to remove the baking soda residue.


   b. Vinegar and Essential Oils Method: Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in the jar, adding a few drops of your preferred essential oil. Close the jar with a lid and let it sit for a day or two. The vinegar will help neutralize the odor, while the essential oil will leave a pleasant scent. Rinse the jar thoroughly after the desired time.


Now that your used scented candle jar is clean and odor-free, you can repurpose it for various purposes. It can be used as a decorative container, a storage jar for small items, a candle holder for new candles, a vase for flowers, or any other creative idea you have in mind.


Remember, always exercise caution when handling candles or using cleaning agents. Follow safety guidelines and ensure the jar is completely dry before repurposing it or using it for new candles. With a little care and attention, you can transform your used scented candle jar into a beautiful and functional item.

Candle Jar